Sunday, July 19, 2015

Back to Phandalin

The trip back to Phandalin takes 3 days. On the 1st day, the adventures was confronted by 9 goblins, The fight was so easy that Thorrk broke out in song. It was an infectious song with a silly melody that the whole group starts to hum along. They were killing the goblins and humming this silly tune. This irritated the goblins to no end and one of them shouted, "kill that singing half-orc! Once we're done with him, the rest will sober up and scamper!"

Unfortunately that was the last few words he uttered before Arwen shot him in the throat with her bow.

They dispatch the goblins without breaking a sweat and continue their journey to Phandalin.

It was noon when they reach Phandalin. They headed straight to Stonehill Inn for lunch. While they were having their lunch, Sister Garaele walks into the tavern and greeted them. She asked if the party explored the ruins where the said nose ring is to be found. This info was given to the party by the banshee Agatha. Skye said they have yet to explore the ruins as they just came back from Thundertree. Sister Garaele bids the party good luck and sits in the next table and called to Elsa, the barmaid, for some lunch.

Skye excuse himself and heads out to Barthen's Provisions to sell some valuables.

Sildar Hallwinter walks into tavern and head to where the party was. He asked if they manage to find any news on Gundren Rockseeker. Thorrk show Sildar the location of Cragmaw Castle, which he believe is the location where Gundren is captured. Sildar stressed to the party the urgency to rescuing Gundren as time is running short and he fears for Gundren's safety.

After much discussion, the party heads out to Cragmaw Castle, which is located in Neverwinter Woods.....

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